
Today, most housing types within the City of West Hollywood are subject to an initial minimum lease term of one year, with the ability to rent month-to-month thereafter. There are some limited exceptions to this requirement, including emergency or transitional housing, which are regulated by state law. The subject of this Zone Text Amendment (ZTA) regards the other exceptions of individually owned single-family residences and condominiums.

The Zoning Ordinance of the West Hollywood Municipal Code (WHMC) requires individually owned condominium dwelling units and single-family residences to be leased for a minimum term of 31 days (WHMC Section 19.36.275 B). Upon the original adoption of this item, the City Council directed staff to explore lengthening the initial minimum lease term of these two housing types beyond 31 days.

As a result of this direction, staff originally proposed a Zone Text Amendment with an initial minimum lease term of 60 days for individually owned condominium dwelling units and single-family residences with the intent to balance the temporary housing needs of vital industries within West Hollywood and the region with neighborhood stabilization.

When taken as a public hearing item, the City Council elected to instead lengthen the initial minimum lease term to one year for condominiums and single-family residences. The updated ZTA was presented as a public hearing item at the Planning Commission. Following Planning Commission's recommendation, the ZTA will be held for second reading and potential adoption at City Council.

Please feel free to review the related documents for this code amendment under the Document Library section of this page and leave any feedback or comments in our Feedback tabs.

Additionally, if you are currently renting out your single-family residence or condominium unit, please visit the City's Non-Rent Controlled Unit Registry to learn more.

Your Feedback

Responses have closed as of February 2nd, 2024

Lease Term

What should be the initial minimum lease term of individually owned condominium dwelling units and single-family residences?

Responses will be used to inform the code amendment

This poll has concluded.

  • 31 days (no change from current requirement)
    53% (57 votes)
  • 60 days
    18% (19 votes)
  • 90 days
    14% (15 votes)
  • One year
    15% (16 votes)
Total Votes: 107
