City of West Hollywood Urges Community Members to Submit Public Comments to Metro Supporting the San Vicente-Fairfax Route for Metro K Line North Extension
6 August 2024
The City of West Hollywood is getting the word out that Metro is starting its formal public comment period for the Northern Extension of the Metro K line (K Line North), the project that will bring Metro rail service to West Hollywood. Metro is studying underground rail options through West Hollywood, Mid City, and Hollywood and it will choose between three routes this fall.
Metro is accepting public comments on its Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) until Thursday, September 5, 2024 to help inform that final decision. The City of West Hollywood supports the San Vicente-Fairfax route, which would include three stations in West Hollywood and would serve more workers, residents, and destinations than the other route alternatives.
West Hollywood residents and stakeholders are encouraged to attend one of Metro’s three upcoming in-person and virtual hearings to let Metro know what issues and design considerations matter to them and which route they prefer. Residents and stakeholders who cannot attend a hearing are encouraged to submit comments, email messages, and formal comment letters, as well. All forms of engagement are impactful and links are provided at to assist community members in providing feedback to Metro.
For those who can and wish to attend or connect to a hearing, the schedule is as follows:
- Saturday, August 10, 2024 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Dorsey High School, located at 3537 Farmdale Avenue (served by the Metro Farmdale E Line Station);
- Tuesday, August 13, 2024 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Pan Pacific Park Recreation Center, located at 7600 Beverly Boulevard (served by Metro Bus 14 and 217); and
- Thursday, August 15, 2024 at 12 p.m., virtual meeting via Zoom.
All Metro meetings are accessible to persons with disabilities. Spanish translation will be provided at all three meetings. Russian translation will be available at the Pan Pacific Park and virtual meetings only.
For several years, the City of West Hollywood has been working with West Hollywood Advocates for Metro Rail (WHAM), the All on Board Coalition, and the City of Los Angeles to build support for the K Line North project. The City and its coalition partners have built momentum on a proposal to accelerate the completion of K Line North by up to 20 years.
The regional impact of K Line North cannot be underestimated. It will have a strong impact on many communities that are currently underserved by access to high quality transit and will more conveniently connect the Los Angeles International Airport to Central Los Angeles, West Hollywood, and the San Fernando Valley. If the San Vicente-Fairfax route is selected, this project will also mean better mobility options to and from the City of West Hollywood and more convenient access to key healthcare and employment centers such as Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and the Pacific Design Center, as well as cultural and entertainment destinations such as the Grove and the Hollywood Bowl. K Line North will create more equitable and convenient regional access and improve the overall efficiency of the transit system, which will benefit transit-dependent residents throughout the metropolitan area.
A short video titled “Finish The Line: A Route to Connect More People to More Places,” is posted on the City of West Hollywood’s WeHoTV YouTube channel. It outlines the reasoning behind the City’s preference for the San Vicente-Fairfax route. Note: the K Line is referred to by the project’s previous name (Crenshaw/LAX Line) in the video.
For more information about the future Northern Extension of the Metro K Line, please contact David Fenn, City of West Hollywood Senior Planner, at (323) 848-6336 or at For people who are Deaf or hard of hearing, please call TTY (323) 848-6496.
For up-to-date information about City of West Hollywood news and events, follow @wehocity on social media, sign-up for news updates at, and visit the City’s calendar of meetings and events at West Hollywood City Hall is open for walk-in services at public counters or by appointment by visiting City Hall services are accessible by phone at (323) 848-6400 and via website at Receive text updates by texting “WeHo” to (323) 848-5000.
For reporters and members of the media seeking additional information about the City of West Hollywood, please contact the City of West Hollywood’s Public Information Officer, Sheri A. Lunn, at (323) 848-6391 or