Project Overview
The purpose of this project is to create a framework for evaluating the historical significance of properties located in the City’s R1A and R1C zoning districts and to determine whether any of these properties satisfy eligibility criteria for federal (National Register of Historic Places), state (California Register of Historical Resources), and/or local (City of West Hollywood Cultural Resource) designation, either individually or as historic districts. The city worked with Architectural Resources Group to complete a historic context statement and historic resources survey specific to properties located in the R1A and R1C zoning districts which included 56 properties along Greenacre Avenue, Betty Way, and Doheny Road.

Map of West Hollywood, depicting locations of R1A and R1C zoning districts (ARG, 2024)
- What is a cultural resource?
- What is a Historic Context Statement?
- What does a historic resource survey do?
- What does the Resources Survey evaluate?
- What is a historic designation of a cultural resource?
- How can I search historically designated places in WeHo?
- How can I contact Current and Historic Preservation Planning Division staff for questions?