
The proposed Zone Text Amendment (ZTA) would introduce the term "co-living" in the Zoning Code by providing specific definitions, regulations, and development standards for this housing type.

The changes would also set minimum standards for kitchens, bathrooms, storage space and laundry areas in co-living projects. Additionally, the changes would establish rules for operation, management, and security.

Review the draft Co-Living ZTA and associated documents in the Document Library.


Housing affordability is a local and regional issue. The City of West Hollywood is proactive in exploring various housing types that can increase affordability in the local housing market.

Co-living housing can address housing affordability by providing residents with lower-cost living options through shared amenities and spaces, making the city more accessible for diverse economic groups. Additionally, co-living encourages community engagement and social interaction, which can enhance the social fabric and cohesion within neighborhoods. This housing model expands affordable housing options and aligns with modern living trends that value flexibility and community.

On June 7, 2021, the City Council directed staff to initiate a Zone Text Amendment to clarify and define various housing types in the Municipal Code, specifically co-living housing projects and establish appropriate development standards for this housing type.

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